
Deal or No Deal

I have been using a business called iprintfromhome.com for a couple of years now to make prints of my art. I have never been dissatisfied with the results of their work. I am now what they call an "Ambassador" spreading the info to friends, business associates and acquaitences about their business and the great work they do.

If you sign up for a free account with them (it takes about 30 seconds or less to do this), and use me as the referral person, I will receive credit on my account.

So, if you are an artist or photographer, and are looking for a reputable business to make your photographic prints or giclee prints to sell, look no further. Go to http://iprintfromhome.com and sign up for that account today! If you don't want to use this link, you can look to the left column next to this article, click on the iprintfromhome logo and it will send you there.

Hurry, do it now before you forget!!!

and thanks!
Brett Ward

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